
You should add additional luggage or special luggage to your trip during your booking process or online after completed ticket purchase via Manage My Booking. Adding luggage at the bus is subject to higher fees. Therefore, we recommend you to add it online before your trip starts and as early as possible, since there is limited space for luggage in the vehicle.

Availability and luggage fee vary depending on the route, line, time of booking and method of booking. 
Please find more information and product details in the FlixBus luggage policy & FlixTrain luggage policy.

Pricing overview for additional and special luggage

CurrencyCodePrice range
EuroEURFrom 4.99 to 18
US DollarUSDFrom 19.99 to 60
Swiss FrancCHFFrom 6 to 22
Czech CrownCZKFrom 59 to 180
Hungarian ForintHUFFrom 600 to 2,400
Norwegian CrownNOKFrom 49 to 180
Swedish CrownSEKFrom 49 to 180
Bulgarian LevBGNFrom 7.99 to 38
Romanian LeuRONFrom 49.99 to 180
British PoundGBPFrom 4.99 to 18
Polish ZlotyPLNFrom 8.99 to 50
Danish CrownDKKFrom 49 to 180
Serbian DinarRSDFrom 199 to 2,100
Bosnian & Herzegovinian Konvertible MarkBAMFrom 4.90 to 34
Albanian LekALLFrom 249 to 2,400
Ukrainian Hrywnja*UAHFrom 59 to 320
Macedonian DenarMKDFrom 119 to 1,100
Turkish LiraTRYFrom 35 to 144
Brazilian RealBRLFrom 6.99 to 49.99
Canadian DollarCADFrom 19.99 to 60
Chilean PesoCLPFrom 2,190 to 6,000
Mexican PesoMXNFrom 299.99 to 1,200
Indian RupeeINRFrom 149 to 400


*Luggage booking after the ticket has been booked is not available for Ukrainian lines.

Please find more information in our terms & conditions. (FlixBus)

Please find more information in our terms & conditions. (FlixTrain)